Among the many reasons why 97% of our members would recommend us to a friend is that we always aim to be the best free staff rewards service. By joining gemsatwork you’ll not only get to treat your hardworking colleagues to new and exciting products, you’ll be bringing people together and helping to break down barriers. You also get to be viewed as something of a hero in your office. Staff rewards don’t have to be extravagant or expensive. Often it’s just about showing people that you care and bringing a little extra excitement to the workplace. Here’s a quick run-down on the top four reasons why you should be providing free staff rewards via gemsatwork.

1. Employee Happiness

Staff rewards have been shown to not only motivate employees to perform better, but improve their overall well-being. Whether it’s been a difficult day of meetings or that late dash for a deadline – getting a shiny new product on your desk can provide a much-needed respite from the nine-to-five. Not only that, but it can generate positive feeling towards you as an employer; increasing engagement with your employees which can be felt across the whole company.

2. Improving Team Spirit

Staff rewards are a great way to improve team morale, especially giveaways that involve a unique experience – encouraging your workforce to interact and get to know each other in ways they usually wouldn’t. Perhaps this could be sharing different flavours of snacks amongst the office, or distributing a bottle of sauce for a team to have with their lunch. It creates conversations, generates a more open atmosphere and helps breed a culture of sharing within the workplace.

3. Productivity

Recognition of achievements is fundamental within an office, expressing and reaffirming that hard work is valued. What better way to do this than with offers and exciting products? When an employee is valued – both their job satisfaction increases and their productivity rises, whilst also being motivated to maintain or improve their good work. A true win-win.

4. Loyalty and Retention

Little acts of kindness go a long way in an office, especially in industries that traditionally have a high staff turnover rate. Handing out freebies within an office is a great way to show your employees you care about them, which in-turn makes them even more inclined to So what’re you waiting for? We have giveaways and offers from a truly amazing variety of brands. Sign-up and get your office involved!.